Trichology: the science of hair

Trichology is not about potions, lotions, and pills; it’s about the scientific knowledge of the hair and scalp. Brian Plunkett is a founder member and chairman of The Association of Registered Trichologist’s (ART), an organisation that prides itself on being completely independent and therefore offering genuine impartial advice.

The practice

When you visit Brian Plunkett you can expect professional advice and expert guidance.

Your consultation will arm you with the information you need to address your hair or scalp problem and Brian will advise you on next steps.

A student may also be present at each session, who will observe and assist.

“I have been teaching trichology for many years and it’s crucial that we train the next generation of trichologists to give a fully comprehensive diagnosis, along with a results-driven treatment plan. The only way they can experience this is by participating real life consultations.”

For me these clinics are as much about giving back to the next generation whilst helping those that are suffering from hair and scalp problems.

Brian offers consultations in Woburn Bedfordshire, London or virtually.

07808 775492 or 01525 288881